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Timelapse, Motion Control and Custom Rigs

Do you want to do cool eye catching product shots ?
Repeatably do the same shot for different products in the same setup ?
Want the product to do cool moves too ?
Can you build custom rigs to do that ?
How about animated lighting to go with the camera and products moving ?
Jumping or flying things in the shot ?
Even do coordinated virtual set as backgrounds ?
Got it no problem, lets get it done !

  Tell your story differently showing things that can take hours or days happen in seconds. Precision repeatable motion control rigs can run multiple times with pixel perfect aligment. Great for visual effects or eye catching shots that keep your audience paying attention because its just cool.

We have rigs that range from simple, self contained and battery powered up to a more complex rig run by DragonFrame. DragonFrame integrates not just control of the basic rig but a zDMC-16 controller, custom stepper motor controller, BlackMagic Design 4K Ultra for video camera input and preview output, and DMX for control of multiple RGBWW lights & dimmers that run in sync with the move. We can automate a lot of moving things in a “simple” shot that can turn out to be pretty complex with all day repeatability. This reduces the number of takes and brings precision to things like repeat the shot but with different products.

DragonFrame zDMC 16 BMD UltraStudio 4K
Scenics & Astro Reel with motion control.
Mix of tabletop style shooting, stills and creative post work.
Want to make it move ? in house shop to build custom rigs. No fuss, parts in stock.

Want to make it move ? in house shop to build custom rigs. No fuss, parts in stock.